Stuffed Chicken Recipes:
No Special Occasion Needed!


Of all my stuffed chicken recipes this is my favourite.

One of the reasons is it gives because it me some time to prepare a great table setting for my family while the chicken is in the oven. This is a convenient feature of many of the recipes I have here on my site!!

I hear my Chef ask what other reasons I like this….

The are the flavor and the simplicity. Of course this is an easy chicken recipe site after all!

Ingredients (Serves 4 stuffs):

1 whole chicken (of course!)
3 tablespoons of dry rice
2 tablespoons of fat
1 medium onion
150 g of mushrooms
salt and pepper to taste
chicken seasoning spice
2 tablespoons of butter


First prepare the stuffing:

Put rice into 2 cups of hot water with 1½ teaspoons of salt.

Boil on high heat for about 10-15 minutes.

You can add a little fat, to stop the rice from sticking. When the rice is ready, pour off the excess water and put in a cool place.

Finely chop the onions and mushrooms. Saute in some of the fat. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Add the rice and mix everything together.

Prep the Chicken!

Wash the chicken thoroughly. Dry with paper towels. Rub with the spices. This will give it a delicious flavour and be a wonderful complement when combined with the chicken stuffing.

Put the seasoned rice stuffing inside the chicken. When done, place the chicken into a roasting pan.

At the top of the chicken, place the butter so that it will melt while baking, to give you a crisp and very tasty chicken skin.

Pour in 1 cup of water, cover with aluminum foil and place in the oven.

Bake for 40 to 60 minutes at 200°C/400°F. After 40 minutes, use a fork to start checking to see if the chicken is baked. The juices should be absolutely clear. When it is, remove the foil from the chicken and allow to brown – about 15 minutes.

My Chef's Tips:

Stuffed chicken recipes like this are really a feast, special occasion or not.


Start with a hearty garden salad! For sides, serve with vegetables and baked potatoes.


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